by Mary
As in many households my children, all preteen or teen, have grown up with technology. The oldest started with a Gameboy and has advanced to a WACOM tablet and an entertainment laptop. She aspires to be an artist so she has pretty sophisticated programs for her artwork. The younger two have had DSs, DS lites, IPODs, Kurio, and work on PCs at school. Needless to say I have learned a lot about apps, sync, cloud etc in the past ten years.
My personal use of technology has been at work. I am a nursing administrator and I am comfortable with WORD, Outlook, etc but used technology only for my work not personal enjoyment. This past Christmas I decided to treat myself to a Kindle Fire HD...I was already an Amazon Prime member and was a fan of Amazon. On Christmas Day I set up the kindle account without any difficulty, downloaded a book I had been wanting to read, read the book and put the kindle away.
A week ago I thought why did I even buy the Kindle? I don't have time to read and it will sit in the case forever. That's when I went online and found the Love my Kindle Fire site. In the past week I have downloaded apps, music, lending books and taken the Kindle with me everywhere! My daughter consolidated her IPOD music that I selected to the Kindle. This lazy Sunday afternoon I am watching movies that I like on my Kindle while the kids watch sit coms.
And best of all...I now feel like a member of the modern age and not a tech dinosaur. All thanks to Love My Kindle FIRE.
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