Shared Gifts

by Diane Konshak
(Cuba City WI)

Shared Christmas Gifts!

Shared Christmas Gifts!

I've wanted an e-reader for some time, but when my husband's iPod died, I decided to get him a Kindle Fire HD for Christmas. Well, he knew I wanted one too and so we ended up giving each other the same gift for Christmas!

We're hooked! We spend our evenings going through our email, facebook, our local newspaper, ebay, library selections, games, and more. Who knew how addicting this little piece of technology could be? We find exciting new apps daily and we continue to be astonished at its capabilities.

Love my Fire too!

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Kindle Fire Gift Exchange!
by: Rachel

Hi Diane, I just love this story! How fun that you and your husband each purchased a Kindle Fire HD for each other.

I actually love that my husband also uses a Kindle Fire. Not only does he help support me when testing things out, but it gives us something in common to talk about. I LOVE talking and talking and talking about my website with my husband. He gets to hear about each new article I write up, each new thing I figure out, and each new comment, email, or story that gets submitted by others.

(We have a long standing joke that I have a minimum of 10,000 words to reach each day while he has a maximum of 2,000. LOL. Fortunately, he's a fabulous listener and enjoys hearing me talk. He especially loves to tease me about the funny/cute things I say, so it's a good win-win relationship that way. And I don't ALWAYS talk, I enjoy my solitude and quite time too.)

I'm sure you and your husband will continue to have a fabulous time playing with your Kindle Fires and discovering all sorts of fun new things!



PS I added some pictures to illustrate your story, since I thought it was so charming!

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